The Objective

To practice the Scratch interface and have fun being creative.

The Project and the Studio

Create a project and save it in the studio University of Idaho CS112 S22 A2. Log into Scratch using your "secret" username (see assignment 1). Create the project you will turn in for this assignment. If you did not do assignment 1, do it now so you have a scratch name and we can grade your work. Press the share button in the project!! Now get the URL of your project from the browser. Then go to the University of Idaho CS112 S22 A2 studio and add the URL of your project to the studio.

The Task

In your project you should use the following things to make a project of your own design. It should interact with the user. It could be a small game or educational program. You can have two characters talking and using It could just be pretty to watch. Express yourself and play with the parts to do what you want. Create something fun, practical, or both.

Your project must satisfy these things:

  1. You should have the program interact with the user by: asking a question, or responding to a key press, or mouse movement or click. For example you could do a slide show by updating backgrounds every time the user clicks the mouse button. See the Sensing section in the Scratch IDE. There are lots of starter ideas in the Scratch world.
  2. You must NOT remix someone else's project. You must NOT use other people's code. Write your own code.
  3. Do not use *substantial* parts of code from class such as the "Fruit Salad Game" or the "Animals on the Beach" or others. I have other plans for that. Do your own thing. Have fun.
  4. Your project MUST have a description of how to use it and what it is doing under the "notes and credits" on the main page for the application. Be sure to mention if you use any special buttons like keys or other input. If we don't see how to use it you might not get full credit.
  5. Your project should be started by clicking the green flag.
  6. You must use at least two different sprites, but you can use more. Neither of which can be Scratch (the cat).
  7. You must delete the Scratch (the cat) sprite and not use it in your project.
  8. At least one of your sprites must change costume and so must have at least two different costumes.
  9. Each sprite must have at least one thread of execution (script) but you can have more.
  10. You must have at least one loop somewhere in your scripts
  11. You must have at least one if statement somewhere in your scripts
  12. At least one of your sprites must move at some point.
  13. You must use at least two different sounds.
  14. You must have at least one background.
  15. Your program must be able to be run multiple times with the code initializing all the sprites appropriately resetting anything that was changed by the running of the code.

The above is the minimum. You will be graded on satisfying that. However, most projects will do more than that in order to do something enjoyable. Some more ideas: Be creative and unique. Make a tiny quiz. Have two different characters talk to each other. Tell a story. Zombies? Murder mystery? Art? Play cat and mouse? whatever... Make your characters sing or dance. Have your characters explain something or demonstrate as an educational project or run a quiz. Things to try for fun include recording your own sound or taking a picture and using that in the project but remember that the projects are PUBLIC!

Don't forget to share your project before you save it in the studio!

Further Info on Submission

This project must appear in the Studio by the due date/time. The studio will close for modification after that and it records time and date of everything put in the studio. Be sure to leave Scratch and come back in and see that your submission is in the studio! If it isn't you might end up getting a zero.