%{ #include // must come before calc.tab.h because it refers to this datatype #include "scanType.h" // shared token value struct #include "calc.tab.h" // token defs // extern void yyerror(const char *msg); //char *lastToken=(char *)""; static int line=1; static int setValue(int linenum, int tokenClass, char *svalue) { // create and handle default data storage yylval.tokenData = new TokenData; yylval.tokenData->tokenclass = tokenClass; yylval.tokenData->linenum = linenum; yylval.tokenData->tokenstr = strdup(svalue); // handle special conversions switch (tokenClass) { case NUMBER: yylval.tokenData->numValue = atof(svalue); break; case ID: yylval.tokenData->idValue = svalue[0] - 'a'; break; } // return token class return tokenClass; } %} %option noyywrap %% "quit"|"stop"|"exit" { return setValue(line, QUIT, yytext); } "pi" { return setValue(line, NUMBER, (char *)"3.14159265358979323846264338"); } [0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+ { return setValue(line, NUMBER, yytext); } [a-z] { return setValue(line, ID, yytext); } [ \t] ; // white space \n { line++; return setValue(line, yytext[0], yytext); } . { return setValue(line, yytext[0], yytext); } %%