================================================= Output of Building User Code Exploding tar files 20171002112907-zog-CS270-F17-A1.tar ./._backup backup ./._ee ee ./._el el ./._hi hi ./._star star Extracting test files vi Set exec permissions ================================================= Output of Testing Limited to 1 second total run time and 2000 lines of output * ================================================ * | Tests for CS270 Assignment 1 | | Comparison with Expected Output | * ================================================ * ======================================= HI Howdy! Howdy! do setup for next tests ======================================= EE try simple ee with no args EDIT try ee mollusks EDIT mollusks .ee-lastfile-edited mollusks ======================================= EL try el EDIT mollusks rm and el EDIT toads try just el with frogs the most recent file EDIT toads ======================================= BACKUP Any Backups? ls: cannot access Backup-*: No such file or directory backup frogs snakes Any Backups? Backup-Mon-Day-Year What's in backup? frogs snakes backup toads What's in backup? frogs snakes toads backup toads What's in backup? frogs snakes toads ======================================= STAR star star-stuff frogs snakes toads frogs snakes toads Return code is 0 star-stuff.tar What's in the tar: frogs snakes toads star star-stuff frogs snakes toads ERROR(star): target tar file star-stuff.tar already exists. Return code is 1 star-stuff.tar What's in the tar: frogs snakes toads star star-stuff.tar frogs snakes toads frogs snakes toads Return code is 0 star-stuff.tar star-stuff.tar.tar What's in .tar: frogs snakes toads What's in .tar.tar: frogs snakes toads star frogs snakes toads snakes toads Return code is 0 frogs.tar star-stuff.tar star-stuff.tar.tar What's in the tar: frogs snakes toads END OF TESTS ================================================= ** Congratulations! Your output matches the expected output exactly!