The Task

This should be fairly easy if you took good notes in class. In Processing, reproduce the dots program we did in class. However there are a few modifications so make sure you follow each step.

The Exploding Dots Program

Most of the code for this we wrote in class. So you need to be able to reconstruct that code from your notes or from the notes of a friend. Do not share files, that could earn you a negative (yes that is less than zero) score (see class policies). There are a few changes to the code you must do but otherwise it looks a lot like the class code.

Your version of the program for this assignment should have these things:

  1. Make a window that is 1000 in x by 800 in y.

  2. The background will be black initially and for each refresh of the screen.

  3. The frames should redraw themselves 30 times a second.

  4. The colorMode should be Hue, Saturation, and Brightness.

  5. The diameter of the circles drawn should be 30.

  6. (40 pts) Build two nest loops. One on x and the other on y. Set the value of the variable x to start at 0 and end at width going in steps of diam. Set the value of the variable y to start at 0 and end at height going in steps of diam.

  7. (20 pts) Compute three values: d is the distance between the center of the screen and the point (x, y). dx is x minus the x coordinate of the center of the screen. dy is y minus the y coordinate of the center of the screen.

  8. Set the hue of the circle to be d mod 256. Saturation and brightness should be 255.

  9. Make sure that the circles have no outline by using noStroke.

  10. Set ellipseMode to CORNER.

  11. (20 pts) make a global variable called time. In setup, set time to 0; At the end of the draw routine increment time by 0.01.

  12. (20 pts) Draw a circle of diameter diam at position: (x + time*dx, y+ time*dy).

Your running program should produce output like in this movie.


Save your results as a .pde file and submit the file to the submission page. Use the submission page on the class web page.