CSAC is the Computer Science Assistance Center. It is located in JEB324, the same building where class is held. TAs in CSAC are there to help you with problems you may be having. Please don't embarrass them by asking them to work the homework for you, but do ask for hints, insights, help debugging etc.

Below are the hours of people who are specifically assigned to this class to help you with your homework or questions about the class. This does not mean you should not ask me questions, or drop by my office during office hours, or request a meeting by email to me at ProfHeckendorn@gmail.com, or to ask other CSAC TAs. Matt has had experience with this class before and both are fine TAs there to help.


Monday:    12:30pm - 2:30pm
Tuesday:   9am     - 11am  
Wednesday: None   
Thursday:  1pm     - 5pm   
Friday:    12:30pm - 2:30pm