// Most matrix library routines replace the contents of the matrix object. That is: // X.sub(Y) will replace X with X - Y. // // Only the following routines allocate a new matrix leaving the original // matrix untouched. For these routines you need to assign the result // to a new matrix: X = Y.dot(Z) // or print them out: Y.dot(Z).print() // // argMinRow() // cartesianRow(double (*f)(int size, double *x, double *y), Matrix &other) // cov() // cov(Matrix &other) // dot(const Matrix &other) // dotT(const Matrix &other) // Tdot(const Matrix &other) // eigenSystem() // danger this replaces the object AND returns a new matrix // extract(int minr, int minc, int sizer, int sizec) // meanVec() // minRow() // pickRows(int match, const Matrix &list, int &num) // stddevVec() // transpose() //