Darwin's rules population reproduction heredity (like breeds like, like a data structure) variation (mutation, xover=crossover) selection (select for survival, selecting for mating) read chapter 1 EC is about optimization simple stochastic optimization first HOW EC WORKS example 1: You try solve a problem 1. you try different things 2. get something works... sort of 3. modify idea... get a better one 4. imagine you have a crew of people working on this share ideas escape room -> goal: escape (solve the problems) what is "good" example 2: Papermill example math people -> model with 150 parameters 150 parameters -> representation 5% improvement on a billion dollar business. not the best answer, didn't know if we got the best or not sum this up: "Evolutionary Computation is well crafted random search" problems are structured or searchable small changes are not lethal nature evolves to be evolable nature has no plan or big goal except survival -> viable offspring EC a Black Box problem solver