"ERROR(%d): Cannot have a break statement outside of loop.\n" "ERROR(%d): Cannot use array as test condition in %s statement.\n" "ERROR(%d): Cannot use array in position %d in range of for statement.\n" "ERROR(%d): Expecting %s in parameter %i of call to '%s' declared on line %d but got %s.\n" "ERROR(%d): Expecting %s in position %d in range of for statement but got %s.\n" "ERROR(%d): Expecting Boolean test condition in %s statement but got %s.\n" "ERROR(%d): Expecting array in parameter %i of call to '%s' declared on line %d.\n" "ERROR(%d): Function '%s' at line %d is expecting no return value, but return has a value.\n" "ERROR(%d): Function '%s' at line %d is expecting to return %s but return has no value.\n" "ERROR(%d): Function '%s' at line %d is expecting to return %s but returns %s.\n" "ERROR(%d): Initializer for variable '%s' is not a constant expression.\n" "ERROR(%d): Initializer for variable '%s' of %s is of %s\n" "ERROR(%d): Initializer for variable '%s' requires both operands be arrays or not but variable is%s an array and rhs is%s an array.\n" "ERROR(%d): Not expecting array in parameter %i of call to '%s' declared on line %d.\n" "ERROR(%d): Too few parameters passed for function '%s' declared on line %d.\n" "ERROR(%d): Too many parameters passed for function '%s' declared on line %d.\n" "ERROR(LINKER): A function named 'main' with no parameters must be defined.\n"); "WARNING(%d): Expecting to return %s but function '%s' has no return statement.\n" "WARNING(%d): The function '%s' seems not to be used.\n" "WARNING(%d): The parameter '%s' seems not to be used.\n"