"ERROR(%d): '%s' is a simple variable and cannot be called.\n" "ERROR(%d): '%s' requires both operands be arrays or not but lhs is%s an array and rhs is%s an array.\n" "ERROR(%d): '%s' requires operands of %s but lhs is of %s.\n" "ERROR(%d): '%s' requires operands of %s but rhs is of %s.\n" "ERROR(%d): '%s' requires operands of the same type but lhs is %s and rhs is %s.\n" "ERROR(%d): Array '%s' should be indexed by type int but got %s.\n" "ERROR(%d): Array index is the unindexed array '%s'.\n" "ERROR(%d): Cannot index nonarray '%s'.\n" "ERROR(%d): Cannot return an array.\n" "ERROR(%d): Cannot use function '%s' as a variable.\n" "ERROR(%d): Symbol '%s' is already declared at line %d.\n" "ERROR(%d): Symbol '%s' is not declared.\n" "ERROR(%d): The operation '%s' does not work with arrays.\n" "ERROR(%d): The operation '%s' only works with arrays.\n" "ERROR(%d): Unary '%s' requires an operand of %s but was given %s.\n" "ERROR(LINKER): A function named 'main()' must be defined.\n"); "WARNING(%d): The variable '%s' seems not to be used.\n" "WARNING(%d): Variable '%s' may be uninitialized when used here.\n"